Lately I was asked why am I doing the Baylaps videos. Is it Just For Fun? This is the dangerous thought, where the life quality is threatened: if you might be doing something just for fun, which is not useful/efficient. But my answer is yes, I am doing Baylaps just for fun, because I can! I totally changed my life in the beginning of the year and have been very happy with my “new life”. I got myself a much better life quality than I used to have. Life quality doesn’t require money (well a bit of that too) but it requires time. This is how I started enjoying my life and I really recommend these points to each and everyone of you:
Start new hobbies which inspire and give joy!
In past weeks/months I have started several new hobbies that I’ve been interested of, or “old” hobbies that I was always very keen to. And you can’t imagine how excited and positively loaded I am now all the time! I have both hobbies with goals and hobbies that I just enjoy.
Since travelling is number one priority at the moment I decided to start learning Spanish, so that’s something with goals. My dream is to have a great trip to South America some day soon and maybe be able to use a few phrases with my Spanish-speaking friends.
Yoga I used to dis big time before. Because I really thought it’s not my thing. That I could not concentrate and that it wasn’t effective enough for such a power-work-out person as me. Now I gave it maybe a fifth chance and was hooked immediately. I’m so sure, that the new life situation enabled that too. I knew I didn’t need to hurry anywhere and I should stop for a moment. I tried that out and felt good. Inner peace, that’s what an adhd-soul like me calls for!
I also started singing lessons, that I really enjoy. This is just for fun too, because I enjoy singing (myself). Used to do that all the time when was little. We had a band called Happy go Lucky. Then the music disappeared for years. But now I feel happy and lucky and happy go lucky that I have it back!
Even the Baylaps video editing feels like a new old hobby for me. We used to do a lot of films with friends back in the 90s and 00s. Now I’m just exploring the new modern machines hahaa, still learning. But so nice to do some filming again! And in Baylaps case; well as a swimming teacher, why not sharing what lies beneath!
Do the meaningful things
Earlier I might be so busy that I couldn’t respond. Only now I can understand how annoying and disappointing that might be to friends far away, that you rarely see. Now I just don’t get it, that how on earth I didn’t have that little time to give a piece of me. From now on I want to do the meaningful things and rather surprise the lovely people and over do with them! Same goes with things; concentrate on what you love.
And this is when we come to the next point:
Cut the bullshit!
As simple as that. There’s no need to hang out with people or stick to the things that make you feel negative/bad/sad and that you have been giving to but they don’t give back to you. Change is good. And YOLO for world’s sake!
Get yourself/life in order
Everything has been much easier for me when I have learned not to stress and set things in right perspective. I don’t know first world problems anymore. I don’t complain about small things like I used to.
What has also created my personal order is that I have started to pay attention to prepare things even a lot earlier rather than last minute. Makes life so much handier and you get to enjoy the moment more!
Help others and smile
You get a lot back from that!